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Long time behavior of some isomonodromy equations

来源:日历系统 日期:2024年03月26日

地点: 教学楼N108

联系人: 王东

联系方式: 15910781583

开始时间: 2024-03-26 16:00

结束时间: 2024-03-26 18:00

There are certain nonlinear PDEs naturally arsing from the study of Frobenius manifolds, stability conditions, representation theory and so on. The PDEs are a multi-time dependent Hamiltonian system, and have a Lax representation as the isomonodromic deformation of a linear system. In this talk, we take the Rimann-Hilbert approach to study various (global) properties of the PDEs, including the long time hehaviors, boundary conditions, connection formula, algebraic solutions and so on.


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